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The internet is the sure a place to make substantial income remotely without the need of running to catch a bus work.

Just like the Software mogul and Microsoft founder, Bill Gates once said: “if your business is not on the web, then your business will be out of business.”

The potential of the internet is so enormous that you will absolutely be short-changing yourself in 2019 without venturing into online businesses that can generate multiple streams of income .
How Is This Possible?
To start a successful online business is not about just booking a space in the digital world, it is more or less like a real (or physical) business that requires time and tenacity. You have to choose what you love to do. We will not blind-fold you by telling you it would be all rosy. That being said, we have compiled a list of businesses you might find interesting to venture in 2019.

  1. Website flipping business
    When surfing the internet, you sometimes land on some domain names that have been bought but has not been hosted, that is website flipping. This can be likened to a realtor who buys houses at a low price, revamp then resell for gain. To gain insight, do your research on and if you already have a registered domain you will have a plan for in the future, you can make some cash by listing it on CashParking by GoDaddy without giving away the ownership.
  2. Audio and Video Editing
    This will require you to have some knowledge in audio editing. It is relatively new compared to freelance services like writing. With the increase in podcast and Vlogs, entrepreneurs are upping their game to ensure they have relevant contents in audio and video format. You can leverage on this business value chain and say no to insufficient funds in 2019. There have been listings for this task on freelance websites ready to pay about $25 (N9,000) for a task you can easily complete within a few hours. Imagine earning such amount daily (if you are lucky to get work on a consistent basis).
  3. Virtual Assistant
    In a physical office, there are personnel that run the administration of the office, this is also happening online. As a virtual assistant, you will assist an entrepreneur in his/her day-to-day activities such as attending to customers and replying emails ― all from the comfort of your room
  4. Affiliate marketing
    As an affiliate marketer, you will be promoting other people’s business and services. Whenever there is a sale on the link you generate, you get a commission. You can start by owning your own affiliate store, especially on Amazon. You can also decide to take some affiliate marketing courses online and check out leaders in the niche to see what they are doing right, to hasten your growth.
  5. Web Development
    Although you may need to learn some web programming skills to start earning in this industry, it is a lifetime investment. You don’t need to pay any tuition to start learning, there are platforms like and where you can learn for free. By dedicating a few months to your training, you can start this business which can transpire to your lifetime specialization. School degree matters less here.
  6. Blog Setup
    This is a perfect fit for people who love writing. Choose a niche you are interested in such as tech and gadgets or news. With few bucks, you can start and launch or private blogging website. And if you want all free, try starting your website on platforms like Blogger, WordPress or
  7. Local SEO Service
    Many business owners want their website to be easily seen on search engines. You can learn this skill by a simple search on the subject on any search engine of your choice and download eBooks to read. To get certified as an SEO expert, you can take some courses on platforms like edX or Coursera ― you do not need any money down to start.
  8. Mobile App Development
    There has been a geometric rise in the number of smartphone users. Many businesses with websites are now leveraging on this platform to optimize their customers’ experience. Although this field also requires some knowledge of programming, as usual, we have you covered. Download related YouTube videos and take some courses on Udemy to kick start a future in this niche.
  9. Online Tutoring & Counselling
    Are you passionate about a particular field of knowledge or you are the run-to for advice when your friends need one? It is time to stop your free service and start making some cash with your skills and talent. Organize an online course or become a consultant using platforms like Hangouts, Skype and WhatsApp for video conferencing or chat depending on your most preferred choice. But WhatsApp is easier to use and more popular in Africa.
  10. EBook Publishing
    Gone are the days writers submit manuscripts to publishing houses in hope of being accepted. Thanks to the internet, writers can now self-publish their works and start selling with ease. If you have an idea of a book you believe there are audiences for, use platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

There you go, our 10 online businesses you can start in 2019 list. Do not forget all businesses are still businesses even if they are based online, they require time to boom. Invest in self-development and marketing to get the most from any of the businesses you decide to venture into.

