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Ace Comedian, Francis Agoda popularly known as IGoDye is an active figure in Nigerian politics. The stand up act who is an advocate for peace, recently took to urging Nigerians to stand for peace as the upcoming 2019 election draws closer.

The comedian in a video advised the electorate to be very active in Nigeria’s political activities but should do so peacefully. He urged Nigerians to shun violence during elections and avoid fighting for politicians or any political party at that.

He has futher advised the masses to stand for what they think is right and be an ambassador for peace in the fast approaching elections. According to him, nothing compares to the price of having peace and being able to keep it. As an addition to his support for peace during the 2019 elections, IGoDye took to promising about N1.8m to Nigerians who could publicly declare that they will stand for peace. He instructed them to do a video to this effect.

