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Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Kaduna State, is currently experiencing a four-week blackout due to unpaid debts owed to the power distribution company, Kaduna Electric. This has resulted in the postponement of the university’s resumption date, originally scheduled for May 29, 2023.

Students and faculty members have expressed their frustration over the blackout, citing the negative impact it has had on academic activities. Laboratories requiring electricity for their operations have been rendered unusable, leading to setbacks in students’ learning and research.

This is not the first time the university has faced a power outage. Similar incidents have occurred in the past, with temporary restoration achieved through interventions by the university and its alumni. However, the current blackout has persisted for four weeks without a solution in sight.

Local businesses within the university premises have also been affected by the lack of electricity, resulting in operations coming to a halt. Shop owners and entrepreneurs are urging for a swift resolution to the situation.

The university management has released a bulletin appealing for understanding regarding the power outage, emphasizing their efforts to address the problem. Kaduna Electric has stated that the power supply will be restored once the university settles its outstanding debts. The prolonged blackout has disrupted university operations, inconvenienced students, and created a challenging environment for learning and business activities on campus.