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The oil rich North African country, has tried over the years to avoid major political disasters as seen in other Arab countries in the past 10 years but has experienced high rate of unemployment amid some protests and strikes.

The oil producing African nation have vastly improved their economy over the years as oil and gas revenues have picked up. They account for 60 percent of the budget and 94 percent of export revenues in the country.

81 years old Bouteflika,has been in office since 1999 and has rarely been seen in public since suffering a stroke in 2013 which bound him to a wheelchair. Algerians are ready to end the 20 years tenure.

The presidency in a recent statement confirmed that Algeria as agreed to hold a presidential election on April 18 2019. It is still unknown to the general public if 81 year old Abdulaziz Boureflika, will seek a fifth tenure in office.

