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In a proactive move against cultism, Auchi Polytechnic in Edo has extended amnesty to four former cult members. Dr. Salisu Umar, the Rector of the institution, announced this development on Wednesday during an address to the repentant cultists.

During the announcement, Rector Umar emphasized the importance of renouncing cult memberships, urging all students at the polytechnic to follow suit.

The four former cultists renounced their affiliations with secret cult groups during a special renunciation program organized by the polytechnic’s management.

Dr. Umar explained, “Renouncing cultism means abandoning a reckless lifestyle and evil ways, emphasizing that nothing good comes from the devil. Auchi Polytechnic, in its commitment to establishing a zero-tolerance stance against cultism, has organized this renunciation program.”

The rector clarified that the program serves as a form of amnesty, allowing both staff and students involved in cults to publicly renounce their memberships. However, he issued a stern warning, stating that after the renunciation program, any individuals caught participating in cult-related activities would face appropriate penalties and punishments.

Dr. Umar emphasized that the fight against cultism is a collective effort, calling on religious institutions such as churches and mosques to establish robust youth departments and programs for regular mentoring.

He encouraged students who may not want to publicly renounce their memberships to do so privately, stressing the significance of their choices in shaping their futures.

Daniel Osita, a former cultist who shared his testimony during the program, praised the students for their decision to renounce cultism, noting that this choice opens positive doors to their futures. He advised students to be mindful of the decisions they make in life, as these choices can either lead to success or hinder their future prospects.
