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The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) has instructed all aircraft operators to temporarily relocate their planes parked at the General Aviation Terminal (GAT) apron of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (NAIA), Abuja, ahead of the May 29 presidential inauguration.

The directive was based on security and safety reasons, according to a memo sent to concerned operators. The ceremony is considered a high-security event, and the relocation is necessary to ensure the safety and security of all parties involved.

Operators have been requested to relocate their aircraft on or before May 22, 2023.

Some private charter operators have expressed concern about the directive, stating that it is rash and inconsiderate of business partners.

They also question the rationale behind relocating parked aircraft and express uncertainty about who will bear the cost of fuel and wear and tear for the relocation, landing, and parking at alternate airports.

Additionally, the memo did not specify when the aircraft should return to Abuja.

Despite the concerns raised by some operators, FAAN maintains that the directive is necessary to ensure the safety and security of all parties involved in the presidential inauguration.
