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Former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Joseph Kabila’s coalition will now have a say in choosing the next Prime Minister of the country, according to an agreement between his party and that of the incumbent president.

Kabila’s Common Front for Congo, FCC, and President Tshisekedi’s Cap pour le Changement, CACH, in a letter dated March 6 have agreed that current political dynamics meant that the two groups had to jointly agree on the next Premier.

While Felix Tshisekedi (CACH) won the presidential polls of December 2018, Kabila’s FCC had the majority of lawmakers as recorded by results of the National Assembly polls held along with the presidential poll.

Both parties confirmed that the goal of the coalition is to preserve the achievements of the historic peaceful transfer of power that took place on January 24, 2019, to strengthen the climate of peace and the stability of the country and facilitate the rapid establishment of a government.

