Germany’s ministry of labour wants footballers to wear masks as protection against the coronavirus if Angela Merkel’s government gives the green light for the Bundesliga to return next month.
The German Football League (DFL) confirmed on Thursday that they are ready for the Bundesliga to resume from May 9, albeit without fans in stadiums and with strict player hygiene measures in place.
The final decision will be made by German Chancellor Merkel and state leaders, who are due to meet in Berlin later.
Germany has been less affected by the pandemic, but currently has 5,321 deaths due to the virus.
The Federal Ministry for Labour has called for strict safety guidelines which include a recommendation for players to wear face masks which would not slip in sprints, headers and challenges.
Should the masks slip, the game must immediately be stopped according to the draft, and because the masks would get wet fast due to exertion, they should be replaced every 15 minutes at the latest.
Another suggestion in the ministry guidelines is that each team be quarantined in a hotel for the duration of the season amid hopes it can be completed in Germany by June 30.