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The House of Representatives ad hoc Committee on pay-per-view tariff has assured Nigerians of its commitment to abolish indiscriminate charges by satellite service providers.

The Chairman of the committee, Unyime Idem gave the assurance on Friday while addressing newsmen in Abuja.

According to Idem, a bill to compel service providers to implement pay-per-view has passed second reading in the house.

When passed into law, the bill will expand the powers of the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission to ensure the implementation of pay-per-view tariff.

Idem also disclosed that the process to implement pay-per-view tariff started in June 2020 and would not be swept under the carpet and has appealed to Nigerians to be a little patient.

Idem who doubles as the Deputy Chairman, House Committee on Communication, assured that the bill would break the monopoly currently witnessed in the sector.

According to him, it will open up the space for more local and foreign operators to come in and there will be more options for Nigerians.

The lawmaker said that it would create a lot of employment opportunities, noting that the number of companies coming in will help grow the economy.
