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A 22-year-old student of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Ogbomoso, Opadeji Qudus, has won a whopping sum of N10, 000, 000, in Ibadan, Oyo State, following online sports betting deal.

Sports betting is the activity of predicting sports results and placing a wager on the outcome. Qudus had placed a hundred naira wager on the platform of Fortune Bet.

Fortune Bet Nigeria Limited is a sports betting company offering online and physical betting services in Nigeria.

Qudus won all the predictions leading to his eventual clinching of N10, 000, 000. While presenting the cheque to the winner, the executive director of Fortune Bet Nigeria Limited, Mr Gbenro Onibokun, stated that he was delighted that his platform had made a millionaire out of youth.

Mr Gbenro was quoted saying, “This is real. He wagered on 35 straight games and all his predictions were accurate. If he had missed one, he would definitely have lost the money. I must also add that he wagered N100. This is true. We are giving him his money immediately. This shows that we are credible and that all we are doing is to reward passion.”

An elated Qudus told reports that he never believed he could win but that he was glad that all his predictions were true and that today, he is N10, 000, 000 richer.

