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President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger has been detained by members of the Presidential Guard, as confirmed by a reliable source close to the President. The situation escalated when disgruntled guards barricaded access to the President’s residence and offices, refusing to release him after failed negotiations. The army has now issued an “ultimatum” to the detaining guards.

Using the rebranded platform “X,” the President’s office addressed the incident, describing it as a “fit of temper” displayed by elements of the Presidential Guard. The guards allegedly attempted, without success, to garner support from the national armed forces and the national guard. However, the army and national guard have now made it clear that they are prepared to take action against the detaining guards if they do not relent and return to a peaceful state.

Despite the tense situation, the President’s office assured the public that the President and his family are safe and in good condition.

Bazoum, who was democratically elected in 2021, took on the leadership of one of Africa’s poorest and historically coup-prone countries. The current events have raised significant concerns about the country’s stability and political climate.
