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Sebastian Coe, the 66-year-old president of World Athletics since 2015 and a respected figure in the world of track and field, has been re-elected for a third consecutive term as the head of the sport’s governing body. With a remarkable track record that includes being a two-time Olympic 1500m champion for Britain in 1980 and 1984, Coe’s leadership remains unopposed as he embarks on this final four-year mandate.

The unanimous re-election took place during the World Athletics Congress in Budapest, just days before the eagerly awaited world championships commence in the vibrant city of Budapest. It’s worth noting that in accordance with World Athletics regulations, Coe will not be eligible for a fourth term, signaling a forthcoming transition in the organization’s leadership.

Coe’s journey into the role was a response to the challenging state of affairs he inherited – the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) was grappling with a corruption scandal involving its former president Lamine Diack. Under Coe’s guidance, the initial four years of his presidency focused on stabilizing the organization and setting it on a positive trajectory. “The first four years of my mandate was making sure the ship didn’t sink. We were in a very serious position,” Coe acknowledged.

During his tenure, Coe introduced impactful changes that resonate with the values of integrity and fair play. Notably, he oversaw the establishment of the Athletics Integrity Unit in 2017 – an independent body dedicated to overseeing anti-doping efforts, reflecting World Athletics’ commitment to maintaining the purity of the sport. Additionally, Coe’s presidency upheld a firm stance towards Russia, which had faced suspension due to institutional doping and, later in 2022, over the controversial invasion of Ukraine by Moscow.

Looking ahead, Coe has articulated his priorities for his third term. He emphasizes the protection and empowerment of female athletes, the enhancement of one-day events, and addressing the complex Russia-related issues. Moreover, Coe envisions the next four years as an opportunity to shape the sport’s future for the coming decades. He’s determined to base decisions on competition on data-driven insights, a departure from impulsive presidential choices.

In essence, Sebastian Coe’s re-election reaffirms his position as a steadfast leader in the realm of track and field. As he embarks on this final term, his vision is firmly set on securing the sport’s legacy and relevance for generations to come, all while ensuring the highest standards of integrity and fairness.
