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The Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19 has raised alarm over recent upsurge in Corona Virus infections, warning that a second lock down may be inescapable if the Nigerians continue to flout all the COVID-19 protocols.

PTF stated that in the last two weeks, its surveillance system recorded a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases across the country and warned citizens to observe all stipulated modes of behaviours so as to sustain the gains made so far in Nigeria’s COVID-19 response.

The ravaging virus has not only sent many early to their grave, but has forced people to stay at home amidst several months of local and international lock down. Social distancing, constant hand washing with soap and running water, use of hand sanitizers as well as use of face mask in public places became the new normal and most effective preventive response against the virus further spread.

Countries like Italy, Spain, Germany, China and France suffered more deaths and a new wave of reinfection is forcing them into a second lockdown.

Nigeria may also be on the verge of a second wave of the infection and imminent lockdown, Minister of Health, Dr. Ehanire Osagie warned following recent escalation on the infection curve.
