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The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, has encouraged the muslim dependable in Nigeria in the long stretch of Ramadan,to petition God for a tranquil progress of force at the public and sub-public levels before very long.

In his generosity message on Wednesday, Lawan said this Ramadan period gave a chance to likewise petition God for the progress of the approaching organizations both at the government and state levels as they would expect the grave errands of proceeding with the structure of a virile and prosperous Nigeria.

“Ramadan is a glorious opportunity for the Islamic faithful to thank Allah for His mercies on us as individuals and as a nation and to further seek His guidance and blessings,” he stated.

“This Ramadan has arrived at a critical time for Nigeria. It is not just a coincidence that it occurs during our political transition period, in my opinion.

“Let’s use this opportunity to pray for a peaceful transition of power at the national and sub-national levels in the coming months and to thank Almighty Allah for the successes that we have so far recorded in the conduct of the general elections.”

The Senate President went on to say that Nigeria had progressed well on its political journey as a nation and was still learning how to handle “the usual challenges that those who have gone further than us in the journey had also encountered.” We have many reasons to be grateful to Allah as a result.

Lawan then, at that point, exhorted, “Similarly, we ought to utilize the period of Ramadan to petition God for the outcome of the approaching organizations at the government and state levels as they will expect the grave errands of proceeding with the structure of a virile and prosperous Nigeria.

“We should also pray for divine guidance for the incoming 10th National Assembly so that they can fulfill their responsibilities for ensuring good governance in Nigeria with success.”
