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On Thursday, the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) announced that it had provided a N9 million relief package to the Republic of Turkey in response to the earthquake that struck earlier this month.

In a statement that was signed by its leader, Pastor Evelyn Joshua, the Church, which is known for its humanitarian efforts all over the world, stated that the act was intended to alleviate the suffering of the victims.

It stated that the donation was raised in response to God’s command to the faithful and the church to assist those in need through its affiliates, the Emmanuel TV Partners.

It said that the church was sorry that many people were killed in the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria recently.

It claims that a 7.8-magnitude natural disaster struck the world on February 6, 2023, causing a massive loss of life and property.

“This was followed by two additional devastating earthquakes, both of which left thousands of people homeless, injured, and dead.

“After the earthquake in Pakistan in 2005, which killed approximately 73,000 people, it was the sixth most deadly natural disaster of this century.

“The disaster severely affected approximately 4.6 million children living in the Turkish provinces, leaving the country in disarray and with enormous humanitarian needs.

According to the statement, “The Turkish community groups living in the UK, particularly in Hackney and Haringey Boroughs of North London, have since mobilized themselves to raise donations and relief supplies for Turkey.”

It was noted that the disaster resulted in the displacement of at least 200,000 people and the serious injuries of at least 100,000 people, in addition to the loss of 70,000 lives.

It stated that aid organizations like the London ALEVI CULTURAL CENTRE and CEMEVI, in collaboration with other organizations, also provided relief supplies and money.

It was stated that the SCOAN’s Emmanuel TV Partners donated the funds to assist in the relocation of displaced individuals through these acknowledged organizations.
“It is to assist them in beginning a new lease on life,” he stated.

It said that Joshua, the leader of SCOAN, was saddened by the incident.

She referred to it as a “great humanitarian calamity” and asked everyone to help alleviate the dire living conditions that our fellow humans are currently experiencing in Turkey.

We are created in His image, and we must live and act with love. God is love.
The leader of the SCOAN group stated, “Every kindness you heartily show at this time of their needs illustrates clearly the place of love in human affairs as a tool of human relationships and good neighborliness.”

She stated that SCOAN would continue to uphold Prophet TB Joshua’s lofty legacy of humanitarianism and charity.

She went on to say that, like the Commission’s logo, Love was the Church’s foundation: Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is love, so “Let Love Lead”

She praised the partners from all over the world for their unwavering determination to help others without expecting anything in return.

The preacher of the gospel prayed that God’s grace, mercy, and favor would always speak for them when they needed something.
