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During the February 2023 presidential election, Bola Tinubu, the president-elect, has pledged to carry out the promises he made to Nigerians.

In a statement, Tinubu stated that the promises he made during the campaign were more than just words.

He noted that he would not waste the opportunity or take it lightly and thanked the people who had chosen him by voting for him.

I won’t suggest that I’m due any birthday presents this year because I already have such a privilege. The greatest present has already been given to me. an opportunity to lead and achieve destiny. A chance to advocate for your goals and create the Nigeria of your dreams, “Tinubu stated.

Instead, “I will use this day as an opportunity to reaffirm my commitment to the great and important task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the hope of the people of Nigeria.” I ran a vigorous campaign and made significant promises. Those assurances were more than just words; lied or mocked in order to gain support.

The president-elect stated that he has spent his entire life preparing for the presidency of Nigeria and that his pledges bind him to the goal of building a better Nigeria for the benefit of all Nigerians.

“They address a bond that ties me to the errand of making a superior Nigeria to help each Nigerian, regardless of whether you decided in favor of me. “I will not fail, I have prepared all my life for this moment,” Tinubu stated.

“From now on, may growth, hope, peace, compassion, and pride proudly ring out across the land. May we be brave enough to make our cherished nation a strong, just, and prosperous home for everyone. All Nigerians be blessed by Almighty God.”
