A 35 year old Zimbabwean preacher who claimed to have found a cure for HIV and other illnesses has been found guilty for contravening laws of the country, and slapped with a $700 fine.
The preacher is named Prophet Walter Magaya and his church is popularly known as the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries. The preacher’s house was raided last year and he was eventually arrested over an herbal remedy he produced which he claims could cure many illnesses including HIV and every form of cancer. This herbal remedy was named ‘aguma’. Reports have it that a pack of his ‘all-powerful pills’ were selling for $1000 online. The BBC also confirmed that Magaya had recently launched a lipstick he claimed could improve blood pressure.
Minister Monica Mutsvangwa has revealed at a press briefing that medicines need to go through a number of processes and regulations before they become licensed products which none of the products of the preacher has undergone. While he was arrested further investigations are still carried out.
The minister has advice the public to shy away from the preacher’s products and embrace the medications they receive from the State Hospitals and liable sources. She was quoted saying, “Magaya’s herb has not gone through any of these regulations, that the Secretary of Health is aware of. People should continue taking their medications which have been proved to be effective.