- Africans In Diaspora, Politics

British MPs Of Nigerian Descent

The second in our series an Africans in Diaspora, spotlights politicians of Nigerian descent in the United Kingdom Parliament. Well might these politicians claim that are British Citizens. But that is a moot point. They bear Nigerian names and are discharging their responsibilities as UK parliamentarians creditably.

Conservative party MP for Maidstone and Healed in Kent

Has already served a first term. Influential black woman in conservative ranks. Now Minister for Sports, Tourism and Equalities. Born in 1961. English mother/ Nigerian father.

Labour Party MP for South London

Re-elected for a 2nd team. Chuka, an ethnic descendant from Nigeria. He is a lawyer by profession Currently Shadow Business Secretary His candidacy for parliament was supported by former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

Labour MP fpr Newcastle upon tyne central

Also serving a second term. chi was born in 1965 while father served in the Biafran Army, Mother took children back to the U.K.

Labour Party Edmonton Constituency in London

One of the new faces in Parliament. Her Nigerian-born mother was a left-wing activits member of the Labour Party’s black section for fair representation in the British parliament. 46 years old trade union activist, Kate, previously worked for the British National Health Service.